First paragraph from Fox News:
The top Army and Marine Corps generals told senators Tuesday that it
will take up to three years to fully integrate women into all combat
jobs, adding that women also should have to register for the draft. (Emphasis mine)
There are those who say there will never be a draft. But the United States now is fighting in various parts of the world, in Iraq and Syria. The Russians have sliced a good peace of land from a neighboring country and fly aggressively near American planes. America just sent billions of dollars of large military equipmenet to various countries near Russia because they are afraid of the Russians. Who says there won't be fighting? And who says there won't be a draft?
China is expanding its control of land claimed by Japan. America is committed to defending Japan. Who says there won't be a war? Who says there won't be a draft?
ISIS is fighting in various countries. America is fighting them. Who says there won't be a draft? And if American woman are drafted to fight ISIS, who guarantees that ISIS will not capture an American woman?
Let's just keep dreaming. It is nicer than knowing the truth. But when the truth comes, and you're not ready for it, what will you do then?
The purpose of this blog is to awaken religious and moral people who care about the sanctity of young women. We call upon you to join us in our battle to defeat drafting women and registering women for any governmental service. Anyone who wants to help out with this battle should write to me at or call me at 845-578-1917. Thank you and many blessings for your good efforts and thoughts.
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