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Beneath the PAGES section begin the POSTS that continues on the left side of the blog to the end. On the right side of the blog is a section of various special features. Click the "title" of the particular post you want to see, and you will have it. But when you finish, you must go down to the bottom of the page and click "home" to return to other posts. The same applies to the Blog Archive section on the right of the blog page. Click the blog post you want and it fills the bottom of the page but begins a bit under the screen you see after clicking the Label or Blog Archive selection. After you have read your selected post click 'Home" on the bottom of the page and the blog returns to normal with many posts shown.

On the right side of the blog are various special sections to give information about the contents of the blog. LABELS are labels of various posts. Click on the label you want to see and it takes you to that post, but it begins underneath the title and general explanations about the blog. It is probably just a bit under the screen you see. When you finish reading the blog indicated by its label, go down to the word "Home" at the bottom of the page and click it. The blog returns to normal with all of its posts showing.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Discussions in Washington DC about Drafting Women for the US Military

Center for Military Readiness
March 18, 2016
TO: Rabbi David Eidensohn  
Dear Rabbi Eidensohn,    

Fox News has decided to postpone the airing of their one-hour documentary titled"Fox News Reporting: Rising Threats - Shrinking Military," hosted by Bret Baier. 
We are looking forward to seeing the program and will keep you posted.
* * * * * * 
Capitol Hill Panel Discussion Next Wednesday
We are pleased to let you know that next Wednesday, there will be a Capitol Hillpanel discussion next Wednesday, March 23, titled Women Fighting on the Front Lines: What Does It Mean for Women, Men, and Military Preparedness? If you are located in the Washington, D.C. area, please consider attending what promises to be a first-rate, informative, and lively discussion, co-sponsored by The London Center for Policy Research and Independent Women's Forum.

Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer, USA (Ret)
 will moderate the discussion between four speakers: Gunnery Sgt. Jessie Jane Duff, USMC (Ret) and Maj. Gen. Bob Newman, USAF (Ret.) will speak in opposition to the administration's plans to assign women to direct ground combat (infantry) fighting units. Speaking in favor of women-in-land combat will be former U.S. Army helicopter pilot Amber Smith andKatherine Kidder of the Center for a New American Security.
The program will take place on Wednesday, March 23, from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM in the Rayburn House Office Building, Room 2255. Bring a friend or two -- the event includes a free Chick-Fil-A lunch! Just let the sponsors know you are coming by clicking here:
We hope that this event will be the beginning of more discussions about the consequences of revoking women's exemption from direct ground combat. The Secretary of Defense has made it clear that minimally-qualified women will be eligible for direct ground combat assignments on the same involuntary basis as men.
  • What will this mean to young women who want to serve their country but don't want to be treated like men in the combat arms?
  • What does it mean for our culture and the relationships between men and women?  And most importantly,
  • What are implications for combat effectiveness and national security?
To learn more, please sign up and plan to attend this worthwhile program:

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