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The blog has two basic sections: PAGES and POSTS. The PAGES are on top and are listed by name but not displayed. You click on the name of a PAGE and it appears. But only that page appears. When you are finished with that page you click on the bottom where it says Home to return to the blog.

Beneath the PAGES section begin the POSTS that continues on the left side of the blog to the end. On the right side of the blog is a section of various special features. Click the "title" of the particular post you want to see, and you will have it. But when you finish, you must go down to the bottom of the page and click "home" to return to other posts. The same applies to the Blog Archive section on the right of the blog page. Click the blog post you want and it fills the bottom of the page but begins a bit under the screen you see after clicking the Label or Blog Archive selection. After you have read your selected post click 'Home" on the bottom of the page and the blog returns to normal with many posts shown.

On the right side of the blog are various special sections to give information about the contents of the blog. LABELS are labels of various posts. Click on the label you want to see and it takes you to that post, but it begins underneath the title and general explanations about the blog. It is probably just a bit under the screen you see. When you finish reading the blog indicated by its label, go down to the word "Home" at the bottom of the page and click it. The blog returns to normal with all of its posts showing.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Why Woman Should not be in Combat - Elaine Donnelly CMR

2016 Message from Elaine  . . .  
December 29, 2015
TO: Rabbi David Eidensohn 
Dear Rabbi Eidensohn,    

At this time last year I predicted that 2015 would be a difficult year for our military. Sure enough, on December 3, Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter grimly announced that he was ignoring the best professional advice of the U.S. Marine Corps on an issue that will affect countless military women, men, and even unsuspecting civilian women of Selective Service registration age.
For months, the Department of Defense imposed gag orders and secrecy to accomplish "gender diversity" in the combat arms without congressional oversight or interference. Despite those efforts to hide the truth, the Center for Military Readiness stepped up to do the work that Congress and larger organizations failed to do.
Time and again, with your help, CMR kept obtaining, reporting, and analyzing the extensive new research on women in direct ground combat.  
  • As you may know, University of Pittsburgh experts working with the U.S. Marine Corps found that physical differences between men and women do matter in the crucible of direct ground combat.  Scientific measurements found that in field tests, gender-mixed task force teams failed 69% of the time. 
  • Both Marine and Army Medical Command reports also confirmed that women suffered injuries at least twice as often as men - more in units that routinely carry heavy loads on the way to find and fight the enemy. 
  • Disproportionate levels of fatigue affected speed and even marksmanship - factors that are essential for what the Marines called "survivability and lethality" in direct ground combat. 
You can see partial results of CMR's work in this long list of articles and commentaries - many of which highlighted facts that CMR was first to report and analyze in 2015: Women in Ground Combat - Part 8 ˗ Definitive Research and Commentaries.
Additional reports and documents, which the Pentagon held back for months, are only now coming to light. In a year when Americans will elect a new Commander-in-Chief, CMR's work will be more important than ever.
If you would like CMR to continue our work, please consider sending a year-end contribution and be as generous as you can. Your tax-deductible donation of any amount − $25, $50, $100, $500, $1,000, or more − will help CMR to pay our bills, replenish our funds, and prepare for significant challenges ahead.
You can send your tax-deductible contribution before the year's end by clicking on the electronic system in the box below, or by downloading this print form for sending in the December mail to our address, which is: CMR, P. O. Box 51600, Livonia, MI 48151  
To thank you for a contribution of $100 or more, we will send you a bound copy of the two-section, 36-page Interim CMR Report ˗ Part II, summarized in this article:

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