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Monday, January 4, 2016

Women are Not Safe Around Men in College and the Military

The recent efforts of the American military to open combat to women is considered by some to be a a great step towards gender equality. However, the vast majority of women in the military, according to a study recently released by the Associate Press, are not interested in being in combat.  “The Army surveyed its nearly 170,000 women. Less than 8% of who responded said they wanted a combat job.” The Marine Corp did a study that showed that women do not have the physical strength and ability to stand the stress of true combat. What will happen when these women are turned loose to kill men who want to kill them? If all of this is true, that the Army women don’t want combat, and the physical realities revealed by the Marine Corp  study show that it is dangerous for a woman to be in combat, is this a victory for women or something else? And what happens when there is a war with ISIS, which is very likely, as American planes are fighting ISIS and some troops have been part of the fighting on the ground. What happens when women join these troops and ISIS captures one?

The Supreme Court in 1981 ruled in Rotsker vs Goldberg that women cannot be drafted because they are not accepted for combat. That was then. But now that women are accepted for combat, women will probably be drafted, and at least, forced to register for the draft. And if they register for the draft, and there is a draft, there is now no excuse for not drafting women, as both men and women are fully accepted in combat. What does this mean to me, a great-grandfather who has daughters, granddaughters, and great-granddaughters?

I consider mixing of the sexes especially before marriage a great disaster. Every woman has the right to escape sexual abuse. But when men and women mix, such as in colleges, men abuse women. The problem is known and to understand it a huge study has been made involving 150,000 students at 27 universities nationally. The Harvard Gazette of September 21, 2015 had a lengthy article where the President of Harvard Drew Faust, a woman who focused on the study of Harvard students, said the results were “deeply disturbing.” 72.7 percent of undergraduate women in Harvard reported an incident of harassment during their time at Harvard. Of the class of ’15 31% experienced unwanted sexual contact at Harvard. Ninety suffered unwanted penetration, or rape.

“Nationally, 6.5 percent of students reported some form of unwanted sexual contact, while 2.4 percent reported penetration or attempted penetration by force or incapacitation.” And “More than 150,000 undergraduate, graduate, and professional students at 27…universities across the country took part” in this survey. If so, 3,000 students were raped. And what happens when the men are not Harvard students but soldiers in combat where the biology boils?

 Each year, the Defense Department must submit to Congress the status of sexual abuse in the military. In Fiscal 2014 about half a million military members were asked to participate in the study of abuse, and 145,300 participated. (Footnote #5) There were 6,131 reports of sexual assault, which is about four percent. But note that page six footnote  8 says, “Sexual assault is an under-reported crime. This means the number of sexual assaults estimated to occur each year vastly outnumbers reports made to DoD authorities.” If so, the numbers of victims of sexual assault and rape derived from reports of victim's complaints are actually much higher than the reported total. If the reported total was four percent, and that was “vastly outnumbered” by the real victims, how many were the real victims? We are talking about a disaster in the military. Can a woman be forced by the draft to join the military? If so, the government is forcing rape, because the military will never guarantee a woman’s safety in the military if men are around her.

If the government forced women with a draft and there is sexual abuse or rape, the victim should sue the government, big time. Okay, so there won’t be money for gasoline for the tanks, but justice of some kind will be done, and maybe, the draft terminated for fiscal reasons!

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